
Our group always desires to be "Numero Uno" in the business. The business community demands attraction of top calibre individuals at all levels in the Organization. People with quality acumen are selected for each position in the Organization through effective recruitment processes. Human Resources function profile has undergone a phenomenal change in terms of professional skills and knowledge which is our unique source of competitive advantage.

Group's HR Systems & Processes serve to create and reinforce the core values on which the culture of the Organization is anchored. Therefore, we ensure that the potential of the human resource is leveraged to build a knowledge-based Organization aimed at achieving the goals and enhancing the wealth generating capability of the Company.

Equal opportunity is Group's Policy. Ensuring right number of people at right place at right time helps the Organization in effectively and efficiently completing the tasks and thereby achieving overall objectives.

We have multiple vacancies to support our own going operations and various new projects. We invite you to share our credientials with us:

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